Aptus Peakboost 500ml

Aptus Peakboost 500ml

Home Grown Kiwi LTD

  • $140.00

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Peakboost along with its sibling product Finaleboost make up the Aptus flower development and bulking solution. Perhaps the most noticeable implementation of the Third Pillar of Aptus Philosophy: Mineral Antagonism.

Peakboost moves the vast majority of phosphorous used during the bloom cycle solely into one product. With this formulation, Aptus has allowed for absolute control of heightened phosphorus application throughout the specific phases of a plant’s growth cycle.

On top of allowing for specific phosphorous application in consideration of your plant genetics, stage in the growth cycle, or desired flower set behavior, the phosphorous in Aptus Peakboost is chelated into an organo-mineral product.


With the addition of L-amino acids, the phosphorous has eye’s only for the plants’ roots and has a much smaller chance of being affected by outside factors.

The specific application of chelated phosphorous allows for optimal health by removing the negative antagonistic effects of cheap bulk products containing high amounts of both phosphorous and potassium. With Aptus Peakboost, you will see the difference in your final harvest by having optimal chelated Phosphorous with the elements usually antagonised away including: zinc, iron and copper.

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